Thursday, April 04, 2013

And so the time has come......

Well it has arrived, it has not occurred as I thought it would, life has a habit of tilting so your forced to hang on incase you should fall into the oblivion, this said I have been hanging on for a while now, and today the decision was made to let go.

Goodbye dear blog you have served me well, 14,800 page views is not to be sniffed at, family have been informed of our escapades, friends have followed us from restaurant to bar and sometimes to bed, toured with us through the wonderful country that is Israel, there are not enough words to describe the love we have for this country, its a hidden gem tucked away between the devils and the deep blue sea, should you have an opportunity to visit Israel, take it, grab it and run with it, but don't expect your visit to be easy, you have to peek around corners, lift up gates and never, ever expect to find something where you think it ought to be, this is Israel, vibrant, colourful, loud, beautiful, hot with the occasion rain storm, and full of wonderful people who just need to know you are their friend........

I wonder what Luanda has in store!